My 28th Birthday
Wednesday | 14 December 2022
Mark the date 14 December 2022, I turned 28 years old. Honestly I rarely post anything related to myself especially my birthday. But it's kinda different this time which is i feel like to share about one of the special day in my life on 2022.
I have no bad intentions regarding this post ya. My actual intention is just want to share. Maybe someday I can look back at this page and reminiscing the good memories. This blog is like a diary for me on "how my teenage life is about". It is such a fun platform for introvert I think. Hehe
Special thank you for those who always by my side, and helps anywhere anytime. I owe them a lot especially my family and my friends. Always be there through thick and thin. Also, to my parents & family who always pray for me. May Allah swt reward them with all good things, happiness and rezq. Aminnn
Nurul Syahirah turns 28 🎈
Thank you Kak Nazura, Kak Manis, Kak Dikgee, Wardah Wana Naura Sofea Shafiy for the lovely gifts.
I love you 💗
Thank you Chiew Wei & Kak Ayu for the cake & wishes. 💕
The most amazing thing is my lovely niece Wardah making me this very beautiful & delicious pavlova special bake for my birthday. Thank you wardah. Aunty love you 😘
Also, thank you Emir Eidlan, Mommy Emir & Papa Emir for the cake. Semoga kalian panjang umur & murah rezeki sentiasa. Aminnn
Awww this is the cutest, thank you kak kathy for the cake & she also send it to my office. Terharu sangattt.
Thank you kak kathy. 😍
Thank you, thank you so much everyone. Only Allah can repay to all of you. Thank you for the Dua' and wishes. Semoga yang baik baik juga buat kalian semua. Aminnnn
May 2023 and ahead will make us healthier, achieve better, wiser & good fortune.
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