Ayah's Birthday

Today, 22nd January 2023 mark up special day for the man that i love the most in my life. 
My one and only my lovely father whom i call "Ayah". 

Happy Birthday Ayah, semoga panjang umur murah rezeki & sihat sentiasa. Semoga Allah lindungi ayah wherever you go and whatever you do. Semoga sentiasa dalam lindungan-Nya. Hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat balas segala jasa, penat lelah, pengorbanan ayah selama membesarkan anak anak & cucu cucu ayah. Semoga ayah dapat kesihatan yang baik untuk meneruskan hari hari tua ayah serta dapat menjalankan ibadah dengan baik. 

We love you AYAH ❤

Since today falls on weekend & public holidays which is falls exactly on first day of  Chinese New Year 2023, i would like to wish each everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai, wish you prosperity and health. 

So ya, today plan has been made by my sister & her husband which is Birthday Dinner Celebration at Ole Ole Bali, Quayside Mall, Shah Alam, Selangor. 

Lucky we come early so that we don't have to wait so long since this restaurant didn't accept booking since it is a public holiday.

Ohh ya fyi, Ole Ole Bali will give free 1 meal to the Birthday Girl / Boy. Just let them know. Show your ic and fill up the form. The staff will come and snap some pic as proof to their company (maybe) hehehe. So that's the sign for you to celebrate birthday there. Just don't expect a cake cause they don't provide one. Even in the menu did not have cake. Huhu 

Okay lah, let me belanja pic of birthday boy and his wife..and also his grandson 
Aiyaaa just look at his cucu laa, wahh so happy ya hahaha. He is just cute little boy who just gets excited anytime anywhere. Ohh ya, btw that boy name is Emir Eidlan. He's the happiest hahaha 😜😜


Here is the food that we ordered. Is it good? Of courseeee. Big portion but sooo sedap. Will repeat again and again. The best part is the chicken soo big and delish. We always ordered the menu. And i also recommend you to order the dessert. I give ★★★★ for it. Sooo refreshing and sooo delicious. 

Elehhh, look at emir, he cannot see some cold dessert always wanted to try 😋

Overall, the dinner goes well as we expect. Thank you kak mira & abang hazim for today. Semoga murah rezeki sentiasa & bahagia selalu. 

Bye, till the next event update. Hehe 👋



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