
Showing posts from January, 2024

Breakfast Spot in Puchong

  Hello Assalamualaikum, today since i have plenty of time i want to share new breakfast spot in Selangor. To be exact it is located at Puchong Selangor.  All the food is quite good. Especially the satay. We love the satay because the meat is so juicy and tender. Nice spot for breakfast if  i'm around this area next time. Semoga my family dilimpahkan dengan rezeki yang tak pernah putus dan berlipat kali ganda. Aaminnn.

Ayam Goreng Kunyit

Ayam Goreng Kunyit Bahan-bahan : Isi Dada Ayam  Bawang Putih Bawang Holland Lobak Merah Kacang Panjang Bunga Kobis (optional) Cili Besar / Cili Api Secukup Rasa Sos Tiram Sos Ikan / Sotong Sos Lada Hitam (optional) Bahan Perapan Ayam: Garam Gula  Serbuk Kunyit Cili Kisar  Tepung Jagung Cara-Caranya: 1) Perapkan isi ayam bersama bahan perapan selama 10 minit (minimum).  2) Sediakan sayuran dan bahan tumisan 3) Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali yang agak besar 4) Goreng ayam didalam minyak panas sehingga bertukar keperangan.  5) Angkat & toskan minyak berlebihan. Gunakan kuali yang sama untuk menumis.  6) Masukkan sedikit minyak ke dalam kuali tadi. Tumiskan bawang putih bersama sayuran dan ayam yang telah digoreng tadi. Masukkan sos tiram, sedikit sos lada hitam (optional), secukup rasa, garam, gula, sos ikan / sotong. 7) Akhir sekali masukkan cili besar / cili api (optional) & bawang holland yg telah dihiris. Gaul sebati & sedia untuk dihidangkan....

2024 Vision Board

 Hi Assalamualaikum.  Here i am blogging again after so long. I hope we all having an amazing past year for 2023. May we only bring the good things from past to this new year. Leave all the bad things behind and let's move on! Ohh btw, still not too late for me to wish Happy New Year right? Happy New Year to everyone. May this 2024 bring more chances, more rezeki, good health & meet only nice people with good intention and always support each other in our life Let's start new page this year with all good things and more target. As i can conclude, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah i almost achieve most of my vision board for 2023. Thank you Allah for the chances & rezeki that you given to me and my family. May this 2024 i can achieve more and more. InsyaAllah.  The reason why i make vision board again is not because i've been in delulu or trying to do something that people may say its just my "angan angan kosong". For me, it's part of Pembakar Semangat and at...