
Showing posts from February, 2022

Afternoon Tea with Family ❤️

Hi Assalamualaikum everyone,  Hari yang telah di'plan' telah tiba. It's a lovely 27th February 2022.  I have been waiting for this date almost 2 months. This is because, preparation, planning, present and booking date has been made earlier. Actually we also waiting for our adik bongsu semester break. LOL But, it was quite sad because Abg Adib, Kak Ekin & Khaleef couldnt join us because they were at Kuantan, Pahang. InsyaAllah next time kita kumpul ramai ramai together ya. Semoga kita semua dipanjangkan usia & dilimpahi rezeki yang mengalir berterusan. Amin Alhamdulillah it was a pleasure looking my family kumpul together (walaupun actually tak complete) to celebrate Mama & Ayah Birthday 💖 Semoga anak anak, menantu menantu & cucu cucu mama ayah semua dilimpahi rezeki yang berterusan & dapat bahagiakan Mama Ayah & Our Family. Amin This event was held at The Gardens - A St Giles Signature Hotel & Residences  Afternoon Tea on 2.30 pm  Its tim...

Mama & Ayah Birthday Present Hunting

Sunday, 13 February 2022 Assalamualaikum, Early in the morning around 9.30 am ,  Abang Along and his wife came and fetch me at home. Supposed, we already plan to have breakfast together with our parents. But, my parents already changed the plan because they wanted to go to buy new chandelier for our house at House of Lighting, Puchong with Kak Mira and her husband.  So, we having our breakfast together at Soto Shah Alam, Section 8. After that, we proceed to Plaza Shah Alam or known as "Plaza Masalam" for our main agenda that day. We go to Habib Jewels there to buy Mama's Birthday present. But unfortunately, the design and size limited. So we decided to just leave the shop and will proceed to another branch.  Also, Abang Along wanted to go to Decathlon to find some sports attire for his vacation on March. We went there and buy some stuff. Ya, before i forgot, Along found some nice shirt for Ayah. He said should we give to ayah earlier or want to keep and give together with...

Farewell Dinner for Aishah

5 February 2022, 8pm  My sweet friends. Siti Aishah, Nurli Raihani & Farihin Zalikha 👭👭 Shaftsbury Square Cyberjaya, Selangor *picture taken from google ✌ Reservation has been made by Aishah.  We booking dinner for 4 pax. The food are fresh and nice.  This event actually for Aishah farewell. She will be moving to Johor because she got new job there.  We will miss you Ecah. Nanti selalu selalu la balik Selangor tau 😢 And soon Ihin and Rai will getting married. Huaaaa please don't leave me alone. Sedihhh  Cute kan take pic macam ni? Kasi chance please. Hehe 😂😂😂 Also, thank you ecah, rai & ihin for the belated birthday gift for me. Susah susah je korang ni tau. 😘 Semoga murah rezeki all my friend 💖