Afternoon Tea with Family ❤️
Hi Assalamualaikum everyone, Hari yang telah di'plan' telah tiba. It's a lovely 27th February 2022. I have been waiting for this date almost 2 months. This is because, preparation, planning, present and booking date has been made earlier. Actually we also waiting for our adik bongsu semester break. LOL But, it was quite sad because Abg Adib, Kak Ekin & Khaleef couldnt join us because they were at Kuantan, Pahang. InsyaAllah next time kita kumpul ramai ramai together ya. Semoga kita semua dipanjangkan usia & dilimpahi rezeki yang mengalir berterusan. Amin Alhamdulillah it was a pleasure looking my family kumpul together (walaupun actually tak complete) to celebrate Mama & Ayah Birthday 💖 Semoga anak anak, menantu menantu & cucu cucu mama ayah semua dilimpahi rezeki yang berterusan & dapat bahagiakan Mama Ayah & Our Family. Amin This event was held at The Gardens - A St Giles Signature Hotel & Residences Afternoon Tea on 2.30 pm Its tim...